The Thrush Nightingale inhabits deciduous habitats of Europe and West
Siberia. A.Ya. Tugarinov first recorded the species in Central Siberia as a rare breeder
of the Achinsk forest-steppe (Tugarinov 1927). He also recorded it as an extreme rarity of
the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. P.P. Sushkin determined the eastern range limit to extend
to Achinsk with occasional sightings east to Krasnoyarsk (Sushkin 1938). Gagina (1961)
notes rare sightings of the species even in the Angara River basin. T.A. Kim regularly
found Thrush Nightingales during July 1955 in mixed and birch forests in the Kozulka
District near Maly Kemchug, 70 km west of Achinsk, as well as in June 1958 near Tugach
village in the Sayan District, 330 km southeast of Achinsk (Kim 1961). V.I. Bezborodov
found the species at the end of the 1970's in the Prichulym and Achinsk forest-steppes.
Yu. I. Kustov heard the Thrush Nightingale singing in the Bograd forest-steppe in 1975,
and S.M. Prokofyev heard it in 1981 in the floodplain of the Chulym River (in the Iyus
forest-steppe) (Prokofyev 1987). Finally, V.I. Bezborodov also discovered the species in
the central part of the West Sayan Mountains (in the Sayano-Shushensky Reserve) on May
27,1982, in birdcherries growing along the edge of the floodplain spruce forest on the
upper reaches of the Bolshiye Ury River 10 km from the mouth of the Otuk-suk River
(Syroechkovski and Bezborodov 1987). Bibliography. |