Relatively big specimen (more than a sparrow), upper part is
gray-brownish, lower part is a bit lighter, color of a tail is constant. Careful behavior
is typical. Emergency signal is "chak-chak". Doesn't fly while singing.
Nest is located on the shrubs and lower parts of the trees, polypodium.
Average is height is 10-30 cm up to 1,5 meter. Looks like a deep bowl. 4-5 eggs are in the
nest. Color is variable - whitish background with gray-brownnish or brownish spots.
Usuall food are bugs and caterpillars. It kills many forest and fruit-tree
The Garden Warbler is a European species that is distributed east to the
Yenisey River along the southern edge of the forest and forest-steppe zones; it is
expanding eastwards. In the early part of the century only two records were known from the
Krasnoyarsk Territory: one specimen each collected from near Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseysk
(Tugarinov and Buturlin 1911). The species was not found at all east of the Yenisey. But
since then, the species has spread across areas of forest-steppe, subtaiga, southern
taiga, and mid taiga in Central Siberia.
Garden Warblers have not been found
in the Minusinsk depression nor in the Sayan Mountains except for in the foothills near
Krasnoyarsk, where the species is a rare breeder in dense young aspen groves on deserted
fields on the edge of the taiga (Yudin 1952). According to D.V. Vladyshevsky, the species
is rather common as a breeder in Akademgorodok, a subdivision of Krasnoyarsk, breeding in
forests of low density and medium moisture with a developed understory.
In subtaiga in the Bolshoy Kemchug River basin, the species is common (1-2
birds/km2), as it is in the Poyma River basin (2-4 birds/km2) (Ravkin et al.
To the north, in the southern taiga subzone, breeding Garden Warblers are
ubiquitous but show a marked preference for aspen groves. Sometimes they reed on islands
and in shrubby growth along the Angara River near the settlement of Motygino
(Syroechkovski et al. 1978). The birds are rare in the Angara basin in a majority of the
taiga zonal habitats but are abundant in clearcuts recolonized by pines and on forest
borders with aspen stands (10-12 birds/km2) and are common in fir forest edges
with aspen groves, in birch and in aspen groves, on bum sites, and in forests destroyed by
invasions of Dendrolimus sibiricus (6-8 birds/km2) (Vladyshevsky 1975, 1980;
Vladyshevsky and Shaparev 1976). In Yenisey southern taiga (59°-60° N) the species is
found mainly occupying old-growth deciduous forests with a rich understory, including
floodplain willow groves. Other sites where the species abundant include the upper Yenisey
floodplain near Fomka (14-18 birds/km2) as well as mixed forests broken up by
clearings near Pogodayevo (11 birds/km2) (Bursky and Vakhrushev 1983).
In the southern part of the Yenisey mid taiga the species has been
recorded as a common breeder — 2 birds/km2 — in the Yenisey floodplain
where it occupies the edges of groves of tall willows. But further north, near
Verkhne-Imbatskoye and Alinskoye, as well as beyond the Yenisey valley itself, the species
has not been recorded at all. Occasionally, since 1974, males have been registered in
Mirnoye at the end of June and the beginning of July. Further, since 1978, 1-2 pairs have
nested every year in the same habitat, i.e., in tall willows on a levee lining the west
side of the river. And in 1982 and 1983, a pair also bred in a birch-alder forest on the
narrow floodplain on the east bank of the Yenisey near the edge of the forest stand. In
1980, a pair settled in a young birch stand on a burned area bordering the overgrown edge
of a bog 25 km east of the Yenisey.
Breeding birds arrive between June 4 and 6 as recorded over a period of
three years. Young birds are found at the end of July, and the final birds of the on are
seen between August 23 and September 2. Bibliography. |